Random Thoughts Collected and Computed

The tertiary auxiliary fail-safe emergency backup blog of screenwriter, actress, singer and beloved American shut-in M. C. Brennan.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

So this is still here, then.

Hi. Apparently I have a blogger account. I should use it for something productive, like issuing bizarre edicts to my slavishly devoted minions. Or pushing insanely ill-advised "home health remedies THEY don't want you to know!" Or something.

Alas, no. All I can do is direct you to another, more frequently updated but probably less interesting blog:


Or, you could visit my myspace, which I mostly have as a joke.


Or you could go see what I'm watching on YouTube.


Or, you could see the kind of insanely weird (and potentially quite amusing) thing that happens anytime you're female and appear in a movie or TV show even for ten seconds.


Or you could go read a book, or play basketball, or try to get high score on "Bop-it Extreme 2" by our friends at Hasbro. I recommend it.

In all cases I wish you well. See you in six months...


  • At 12:24 PM, Blogger Andrew Ironwood said…

    Astoundishing -- someone who updates their blogspot less frequently than I do [grin]...


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